I used to deeply admire those who grew up in nuclear Christian households. I perceived them as being more blessed than me.
‘Your parents are still together, they’re both christians, who regularly attend church- how fortunate!’
I think I just wanted to experience something I’ve never had. However I’m aware that although I didn’t choose to be born into the family I’m in God has placed me here for a reason.
As I grow the more I realise that salvation is deeply personal.
There are people who grow up with devout, believing, parents but they do not know Jesus personally.
As frustrating as it is that members of my family are yet to fall in love with Christ, I understand that I am not less blessed than others, I am equally as blessed as those from nuclear Christian homes that know Christ Jesus personally.
I think the key point that I’m making is that the value of knowing Christ Jesus as Lord greatly surpasses my physical circumstances.
Apostle Paul said it best in Phillipians 3:8
Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ. (NLT)
I hope to one day change the narrative and that I’ll be able to say with all boldness ‘As for me and my HOUSE, we serve the LORD wholeheartedly’ and that the future generations that come through me will be in covenant with God because of my obedience.